
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

MOPS is Coming to Northpoint Church!!!

I have been so busy the past couple weeks trying to get that buzz going for our newest ministry at our church that I will be headin' up!! Here is what we are doing so far...

Facebook 'fan' or 'like' page...

Gathering our committee people

Doing and Posting fun activities to do at home with your kids

"Golden Nuggets" or "Food For Thought" for all our mommy needs!!

Anyway, here is one of our springtime activities!! What kid doesn't LOVE to paint!!?? It's CHEAP, AND RECYCLED!!


acrylic paints in various colors

well rinsed and dried juice box container

several different sized brushes

newspaper to cover your table

and excited kids!! :)


cover your work area, lay out a pallette of paint colors, and let your kids paint away!! The only hazard to this activity are the messy hands and the staining on the clothes... but both things are easily fixed. Just make sure your kids wear OLD clothes and have baby wipes readily available or just wash when you're done!!

After they are all dry let your kids go outside and pick their flowers to put inside. Fill the small container half way with water, add your flowers and WAH-LAH!! You have a hand painted, recycled, made with love vase for your kitchen window or maybe for grandma on Mother's Day!!

Every mommy or grandma LOVES something made from tiny little hands and is full of LOVE!! Hope you try this at home and make sure to have your camera handy to catch the excitement!!

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